2024. augusztus 6., kedd

2024, augusztus, első hét, kettlebell hírek

 Vitalij Shitnikov új KB zsonglőrködés gyakorlata

Részemről 42,5 kg-al szakítás majd tartás.

Komoly beszélgetés az izomlázról.

Ajánlom a HVG étkezéssel kapcsolatos beszélgetéseit is. Pl. Szász Máté.

Johann Martin nyílt levele -FB- egy új kialakítású bell bevezetéséért.

To the President of IUKL Mr.
Mr. Vasyl Ginko. 03.08.2024. Hamburg
Hello Mr. President, let me start by introducing myself, my name is Johann Martin.
introduce myself, my name is Johann Martin, I am a member of IUKL as Johann Martin Akademie, founder of Athletenclub Hamburg e.V, founder of BVDKS e.V, whose work gave a big boost to the popularity of kettlebell sport in Germany. I have a university degree in sports, am an inventor and author of a book on weightlifting and kettlebell lifting .Under the guidance of IUKL I organized in Hamburg, the Junior European Championships in 2013, the World Championships in 2014 and the Kettlebell World Cup 2017, 2018.
According to the participants, everything was organized at the highest level. I could list for a long time what I have done for 60 years of my labor activity, but I would like to go to the main topic of my address to you....
In 2017 I received a patent for the invention of an ergonomic form of kettlebell, which allows to reduce the pressure on the forearm, which reduces pain sensations in a person lifting the kettlebell. (By the way, when I was 13 years old I tried to lift a 16 kg kettlebell in my village, I still remember the pain that pierced my whole body. Probably this pain was the main motivator that pushed me to create another form of kettlebell.)
At the same time the kettlebell retains all the standard sizes of kettlebells that are now used in IUKL competitions.And the design of the kettlebell brings, according to many owners of "Martin Kettlebell".
aesthetic pleasure.
In 2017, I received a patent for the invention of an ergonomic shape of the kettlebell, which reduces the point pressure on the forearm, which reduces pain sensations in the person lifting the kettlebell. (By the way, when I was 13 years old I tried to lift a 16 kg kettlebell in my village, I still remember the pain that pierced my whole body. Probably this pain was the main motivator that pushed me to create another form of kettlebell).
At the same time the kettlebell retains all the standard sizes of kettlebells that are now used in IUKL competitions.And the design of the kettlebell brings, according to many owners of "Martin Kettlebell".
aesthetic pleasure.
In 2017, the World Kettlebell World Cup on the "Martin" kettlebell was held in Hamburg. All competitors and the IUKL management highly appreciated the new kettlebell shape, especially as some athletes unexpectedly set new personal records.
At the same time, i.e. in 2017, the IUKL management had the idea to
to make Martin's kettlebell the official equipment for the World and European Kettlebell Championships in the next two or three years. After this time it was explained to me that most of the sports officials and athletes said that they were used to the pressure of the kettlebell on the forearm and to this pain syndrome.
And the main argument was the question of what to do with the old kettlebells. I think that in this difficult time for all countries, scrapping old kettlebells would bring some money to buy new kettlebells and metallurgical plants would welcome it. According to this Therefore, switching to Martin Kettlebell is currently not possible. This explanation is not professional at all, because we are talking about the health of athletes and if there is an opportunity to make training and competitions more comfortable for people and not to do it, then it turns out as if someone, how to put it mildly, deliberately dooms those who want to practice this sport, to pain syndrome and that ultimately affects the psyche of the person.
And many beginners simply give up training with kettlebells because of these pains in the forearm.
IUKL competitions for many years, as I understand, are taken in all countries almost the same, with a few exceptions, athletes.
This threatens to reduce the popularity of kettlebell sport and this cannot be allowed.
Therefore, I propose to make the "Martin Kettlebell" the official equipment at IUKL competitions. Now in China there is a production of quality Martin Kettlebells and there is a possibility to buy them. For this purpose it is necessary not only to put aside one's ambitions and momentary benefits, but to start working on making our sport more attractive, attractive and popular all over the world. How many can we lift, painted in different colors, kernels with a welded handle. Many sports have already changed the design of their sports equipment several times, allowing athletes to improve the quality of training and results
I think the Martin Kettlebell, if done correctly, can strengthen the position
This threatens to reduce the popularity of kettlebell sport and this cannot be allowed.
Therefore, I propose to make "Martin Kettlebell" the official equipment at IUKL competitions. Now in China is established production of quality Martin Kettlebells and there is an opportunity to buy them. For this purpose it is necessary not only to put aside one's ambitions and momentary benefits, but to start working on making our sport more attractive, attractive and popular all over the world. How many can we lift, painted in different colors, kernels with a welded handle. Many sports have already changed the design of their sports equipment several times, allowing athletes to improve the quality of training and results
I think that Martin Kettlebell, if done correctly, will be able to strengthen the position of our sport at the international level, and perhaps even join the IOC.
With deepest respect
Johann Martin
Präsident of AC Hamburg e.V.

Martin kettlebelljének elemzése.

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