2016. március 20., vasárnap

IUKL Hölgyek dupla súly, 140 kg, film ajánló

Mielőtt belevágunk a kényes kérdésbe.

A skandináv országok megkérdezték az IUKL szervezetet miért nem lehet a Hölgyeknek dupla súlyt használni. Lökésnél, hosszú ciklusnál. Ugye ez a vita már régóta megy. Úgy tudom először az Orange kettlebell klub írta megengedi a Hölgyeknek a dupla bell használatot. 
Az IUKL válasza:

Aspects of female kettlebell lifting problem.
Deformation of the female body during longcycle. Contraindikations.
This article is about the problems that occur in the ladies weightlifting. Especially the longcycle exercise with the left hand.
Physiological changes in the female body during and after training.
Contraindikation from the medicin and sports point of view and recommendations.
These exercises, jerk with left and right hand, is common only in kettlebell sport. This exercise should best be studied by specialists in kettlebell sport. Unfortunately that has not been done.
There is not enough scientific, educational and methodical litterature to calculate the physiology of the female body during weightlifting motions. Especially how the load is on the spine. And no statistics of injuries. And how does the longcycle affect the female body?
All this creates difficulties to reveal the physiological processes tha takes place in the female body, in the short and in the long run. 
The purpose of this studie is to identifie the tchnical and physiological contradictions in the female body when you do this exercise. And also to make recommendations to trainers and specialist in sports medicine who plan to participate in weightlifting sport.
Methods and studies: The realisation of this study was made with available litterature and by teachers who are summarizing their observations and experiences in sport.
Results and discussion: The classical exercise for women, snatch, has an impact for development of individual muscle groups, the psychological state of mind, appearence, how she walks and posture. It makes a harmonical development of the whole body. Simple exercices with lighter weights, such as snatch, with a slight inclination, without touching the body, and with many repetitions is the best exercise to develop the body. It also gives a good "pump" in the pelvis and in the lower back (spine).
There is no contraindications for the women doing snatch from a medical point of view thou there is no injuries on the inner organs.
Now, what changes can take place in the female body when doing longcycle with right and left hand?
(Here come a detailed description of how the LC is performed). And then...
The deformation of the female body when doing longcycle.
Posistion 1. The whole weight is on the chest. And the body is slightly leaned backwards. The weight is now on the lower back and the legs. Consequences: The vertebras is now more deformed than in the snatch. The sacrum is now under big pressure (load).
Position 2. When lowering the weight (for the jerk) the whole weight is on the breast. Consequence: A beat on the chest has a negative impact on the breathing and the cardiovascular system and can lead to a deformation of the female breast. It can also have an impact on the breast glands. Especially when the athlete is tired and relaxed it can lead to that the "soft landing" of the weight disappear and this can lead to consequeces as described above.
And if the elbow comes down and touches the liver area it can lead to negative consequences in the inner organ in the female body.
Also, when doing the clean with big power it can deform the pelvisorgans and have an impact on the reproduction ability and the vagina wich can lead to pain. As a matter of fact this can lead to a chain reaction and have an impact on other organs.
Medical and physiological impact on the body when lowering the weight from lockout to the chest: 1.
- Deformation in chest bones. Can lead to breastcancer.
- On the right side it can lead to damages in the liver.
- It can be a disposition of vertebras.
- It can have an impact on the metabolical processes in the body.
2. - Overload can lead to muscle tences, respiratory distress wich leads to higher pressure on the heart.
- This can make injuries in the body.
- This leads to worsening health, tiredness, drowsyness and depressions.
- Metabolical diseases.
3. Motherhood.
- Heavy load can affect the vagina.
- Prolapse of the back vaginal wall can lead to impact on the front wall of rectum wich can be a handicap.
- Disrupted and attenuated immunsystem.
All these negative factors leads to impact on the reproductive function on women and can lead to infertility.
There is not enough studies of kettlebell lyft and the impact is has on the female body. Therefor we come to the conclusion that you should absolutely consult a specialist in sports medicine before starting this exercise. Be careful with the people you take in to this sport. Especially when it comes to women and children.
1. We recommend more studies and discussions of these problems before making these exercises avilable to the general public.
2. Study the hormon, immunstatus, menstruation disturbance and the muscle activity.
3. And also in what age you can start doing these exercises depending on the characteristics mentioned above.
4. Study also effects of training in the long run.
5. Motivated by the conclusions mentioned above we recommend tha the longcycle should be performed by men only. Protect the health of women and mother, the basic of all life.
N.N. Kadirov and Ahmadullina ET. "Accounting the physiological characters of the female body doing weightlifting in motion". 2015 s. 56-61.
Mikhailov A.A. "Medicin". 1993 s. 170-172.
Kadirov Nazgat Nazirovich. Lector of sports, member of VFGS, Russia. Trainer of highest category. Commander of sports in RSFSR in kettlebell lift.
Ahmadullina Elmira Timerbulatovna. Phd, vice professor of sport. Bashkir State Agrarian University.

Utólag: 2016.03.28.
Az amerikai kettlebell szövetség (AKA) történelmi lépést tett. Versenyszintre emelte a Hölgyek dupla súlyos lökését!
It's good that AKA is making ranks and opening their comps to legitimate long cycle and hopefully biathlon lifting. I think everyone can say the "vintage strength" was a really poor choice.
I find it odd how they decide to do this though. They choose an amazing group of lifters to help them come up with the ranking system but even that decision becomes questionable with how this is being done. By choosing these women, who have absolutely not spent the time developing two arm lifts, lifting with no ranks, being called a circus act by a team USA member, etc... Well I would think this further alienates the groups of lifters, specifically the ones that said "screw you all, I'm lifting what I want and how I want" and have down so for the last few years.
To add further insult, some of these people they chose, publicly were against two arm lifting, even setting up secret Facebook groups trying to tell women they should snatch and do one arm lifts because it "supports Team USA".
A few things come to mind, people always try to rewrite history when they end up on the wrong side of it and groups such as IUKL have a history of taking the work of others and calling it their own. Last year when IUKL tried to make claim on the Grand Prix is a perfect example.
Many of us all knew that it was a matter of time before IUKL / AKA would be forced to accept two arm lifts into competition but this announcement like many of the recent ones has fallen flat.

People seem excited about this, that AkA is taking the big step, but keep in mind, they were the last in the USA to develop a Dbls ranking system for women. Bolt, IKFF and Keta are already popular, have been tested and are probably ready to be revisited soon, so this is not breaking news or anything revolutionary, it's catch up and should have been done a year ago before so many lifters have left the AKA.

Utólag: 2016.04.03.
Az IUKL júliusi versenyén lesz lehetőség dupla súllyal is löknie a Hölgyeknek.

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