2012. február 6., hétfő

Erő vagy sebesség?

Thiery Sanchez blogján találtam  az alábbi érdekes cikket:

“If you don’t know what your weaknesses are (c’mon…look with your mind’s eye right in front of the non-world record realization), you can ask a critical training partner, video yourself doing heavy training or meet lifts, or do a test, as suggested by the late, great Dr. Mel Siff.
Get in either a push-up or standing high jump position. On the first try, lower yourself quickly and then explode up. Measure how high your hands or feet come off the ground. On the second try, lower yourself and pause at least three seconds at the bottom and then spring up. Measure the height off the ground of your hand or feet again. If you can jump higher with the rebound (using the stretch reflex), you need more strength work. If you go higher from the pause, you need to work on your speed. “

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