2014. október 6., hétfő

Girevoy sport konferencia Omszkban

Csak az a kérdés ki kit véd. Őt ne vigyék el vagy a belljét ne vigyék el?

Az fb-ről Amanda kiírása. Egyenlőre több infóm nincs erről:

I am very excited to go to Omsk next week for the first kettlebell sport scientific-methodological conference !!! Here is the list of themes for the conference:
1. Issues in the propagation of kettlebell sport among females and separate female events, such as jerk and long cycle, and their impact on the female body.
2. Issues in the propagation of kettlebell sport among the youth and the impact of kettlebell sport on the growing body.
3. Steps to increasing popularization of kettlebell sport in european countries and further abroad.
4. The path to the olympic games.
5. Innovative technologies for use in kettlebell sport training.
6. About the creation of new rules in kettlebell sport (different time limits, kettlebell weights, weight classes, disciplines, and different competition types) and the feasibility of their application.
7. Strategic-technical preparation in kettlebell sport and the special circumstances of different weight classes.
8. Pre-competition psychological preparation of kettlebell sport athletes.
9. Specifics of the training process in the pre-competitive and competitive periods.
10. Methodology of jerk training in the preparatory period.
11. Snatch training methodologies among men and women.


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